Crystal cable
HMS Elektronik
Acoustic signature
Alto Extremo
Acoustic signature
Acoustic Signature. Turntables, Tonearms & Cartridges made in Germany

Acoustic Signa­ture stands for highly audio­phile analog repro­duction – high-end pro­ducts ‘Made in Germany’! All turn­tables, tone­arms, cart­ridges and acces­sories are 100 % hand­made at the com­pany head­quar­ters in Suessen near Stuttgart.

Our produc­tion is based on state-of-the-art CNC tech­no­logy and CAD/CAM systems – using only the highest quality mate­rials. The develop­ment of our own tech­no­logies enjoys the highest priority. Abso­lu­tely cutting-edge techno­logies, a clear design lan­guage and an out­stan­ding price-per­for­mance ratio have esta­blished Acoustic Signa­ture’s repu­tation as an inno­vation leader world­wide among spe­cia­list media and vinyl lovers alike.